Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

No, you need to read up in the thread, starting with the first post.
The problem is the speed at which SM 2.0 opens a news server and bolds
the groups with new messages. It's dog slow (like up to 1 minute for
13 groups) if the groups have tens of thousands of (already read)
posts in them. It was not slow in 1.1.18 and previous versions.

OK, that's a relief.

And if one minute for 13 groups with tens of thousands of headers each
is "dog slow" for you, it's a major upgrade for me. What do you have, a
T1 line or something? FiOS?

Just a cable modem. I'm just talking expanding the news server node and seeing the 13 groups it contains. That's what takes a minute in SM 2.0 and brings the computer to its knees. No messages are being displayed yet. It was taking that long just to bold the groups that had new messages.
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