On Nov 11, 3:51 pm, Frog <f...@pond.com> wrote:
> I will clearly state that I am not a computer whiz...thus, I have a
> number of concerns regarding SeaMonkey 2.0 installation on my system.
> I have been reading the many SeaMonkey 2.0 messages on this newsgroup
> with some concern about my ability to fix the problems that could occur
> with the installation of 2.0.  It seems that the move from 1.1.18 to 2.0
> is not happening without a number of glitches along the way.  Thus, in
> light of what I have read, I am wondering if it would wise for me to
> wait for a future release of SeaMonkey before upgrading my system...I
> suppose I am hoping that some changes will be incorporated into a future
> upgrade, that would make the move go more smoothly.  Any comments would
> be appreciated.
> Also, a list of actions to take, or not to take, during the
> installation of 2.0 would also be very helpful...just in case I get
> brave enough to proceed with the 2.0 installation.
> Note:
> Windows XP Pro SP3
> I have always allowed previous SeaMonkey installations to be loaded
> using default locations.  I suppose that I do have concerns about what
> happens to the plug I have downloaded.
> I only have one profile on my system.
> Frog

Hi there. I have read recently that when installing 2.0 don't install
the the same directory as version 1.1.18 or it will disable the
application and both versions will be disabled. Install 2.0 into a
different directory or the default install settings location in the
install program. Also, It may be wise to first uninstall the earlier
version before installing 2.0 because this is what happened to me,
although my SM2.0 works properly, the earlier version of Seamonkey is
still in my computer and in my windows quicklaunch. I just keep both
versions in my computer until I find out if uninstalling the older
version will disable the newer version. The version 2.0 may not be an
upgrade but an entirely independent program.
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