Benoit Renard wrote:
NoOp wrote:
My apologies; I've also been informed by jens that the bug is related to
where the file has been downloaded *locally*. Sorry, never paid much
attention to that "feature" as I set downloads to go to only one folder
& can find the file by a search if I'm not paying attention and it goes

Is this "feature" really such a deal breaker for you for moving on to
2.0? I mean, it seems pretty simple/logical to create a 'download'
folder and then set Edit|Preferences|Browser|Downloads|When saving a
file: Save files to... or keep the 'Always ask me where to save files'

I'd have to vote for 'WONTFIX' as it seems to me that the "feature" just
adds unecessary bloat (clutter?) to the interface.

Please don't adopt the Firefox mentality. If such an option is considered bloat, a lot of options in SeaMonkey can be considered bloat.

Talk about "Bloat"!! In SM 1.x you could just install the SM browser if that was all you wanted.......Now some bright spark has decided that you MUST install every bit of SM (browser, mail/news, composer, chatzilla, etc.) or no bits at all.

Now that is bloat!!!

(Mind you, I don't understand why someone might want to just install the browser only!....but what would I know!!)

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