BeeNeR wrote:
On or about 11/19/2009 8:23 PM, Phillip Jones typed the following:
JohnW-Mpls wrote:

For my various browser accounts (bank, etc), SM 2 requires that I
first manually enter my ID for that account before it pastes in the

SM 1.x did all of that automatically - both ID and password got pasted
in when arriving at a controlled site.

Is that an SM 2 failing or is there some option setting I'm missing?

Do what's in this URL and it will return the SM1.1.8 style.

Tried that (see my thread in this news group: Multiple user/passwords).
Didn't work.

In addition go save this as a BookMarklet: Create new blank Bookmark give title as Remember Password.


Put this on the bookmarks Bar. Then just before you aim to save as password click on this.

the combination of this and the other will get you back almost to 1.1.8 action
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
support-seamonkey mailing list

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