Leonidas Jones wrote:
Serge Popper wrote:
When using Seamonkey as mail client, and clicking on URL in an email,
the URL invariably opens in Seamonkey Browser - even when Seamonkey is
not the default browser.
Is there a way to open the URL's, which were sent in email to my
Seamonkey email client, in Firefox?

Well, the logical assumption is that, since SeaMonkey is a suite, a user
is unlikely to want to use just the mail/news client without the browser.

However, I can certainly see how one might want to. SeaMonkey has a
cleaner user interface then TB does, although I am very used to it, so
that might explain my feeling.

It is pretty easy to disable the mail client fro mailto links, but
adding the followning pref in about:config, and setting it to true:


Unfortunately, adding the following pref and setting it to true:


pretty much disables the browser entirely.

If that's what you want to do, it would work, but you would have to
reset the pref every time you want to use the SeaMonkey browser.

Short of such a drastic step, there is no easy answer. We used to
recommend the Launchy extension, but that seems to have been abandoned,
with no update since 2006.

That leaves you with copying the link and pasting it into the FF
location bar.

Thanks again Lee, for your help.  Guess I'll leave well enough alone.
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