Cedar wrote:
Cedar wrote:
My SM 2.0 and FF 3.0.10 are extremely slow....no matter what I'm trying
to do. Like 10 to 20 minutes (dialup) to open a webpage!!!!! IE,
however, gets there lickety-split! Any ideas what might be happening?

Running SM in safe mode seems to speed things up somewhat, but still
pretty slow. Also, in safe mode, I noticed that when I clicked "stop" on
one site that had been loading and tried to go to another site, SM kept
on trying to load the images from the first site!!!!! I had to hit
"stop" and enter the next url several times before it went to the next
site. I installed prefbar a couple of days ago....naw...it couldn't be
causing these problems, could it?

As well, the net connection keeps stalling (this does not seem to happen in ie), and the Networking tab in Windows Task Manager shows a very low percentage of Network Utilization.
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