On 11/30/2009 12:57 AM PT, Martin Freitag typed:

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/4025/screenshotph.gif from SeaMonkey
v2.0 in my updated Windows XP Pro. SP3. I noticed I could highlight the
texts. I accidently clicked on it, typed my password (not shown --
whew), and hit enter. I was wondering why it didn't work.

I guess because the focus for the cursor was at the marked text and not
in the textbox, just click in th textbox again and you should be able to
type your PW.

I know that, but why did the prompt allow me to highlight that text? That shouldn't happen and sounds like a bug.
"In a battle between elephants, the ants get squashed." --Thailand
  / /\ /\ \         Phil/Ant @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
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