Phillip Jones wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Keith Whaley wrote:
I'm working with Mac OS 10.6.2, and SM 1.1.18.

In the last several days, my _Inbox_ shows message count discrepancies
with what the upper left folder window indicates (say 15 messages
unread, and 2484 total messages) and what actually shows up in the main
message window, when I select to display only unread messages, is
perhaps 5 unread messages and 828 messages total!)

If I shut down Inbox and Home Account, then SeaMonkey, and after 10
seconds or so, reopen each folder, my messages revert to actual ~ 5 and

Soon, it reverts (as I move from folder to folder, and visit URLs on the
'net, then return to Inbox.
It's never done this before.

No, I have no idea what I might have recently done, or downloaded that
might have interfered with smooth operations of SM.

I have opened Disk Utility App. and repaired Disk Permissions, to little

Who has an idea what I might try next?

A literal map leading me to go delete the Inbox.msf file might work, I

Any help much appreciated.

keith whaley

Keith, it annoys me when I open a news server in SM and one of the
groups might show as 8 unread from 265 messages, then as the server gets
updated, the figures might switch to 15 unread out of 835 messages, then
when I actually select the group the figures might change to 8 unread
out of 265 messages again, but thats not your problem.

Have you tried compacting your inbox (File|Compact Folders)? Works best
after File|Empty Trash

If you want to delete your inbox.msf, either
1. (I was going to tell you to do a Windows Find Files and Folder, but
as your using Mac, I don't know what the equivalent is!) Then I was
going to suggest doing a search for "*.msf" (without the quotes) and
then suggest just deleting any and all .msf files. They are rebuilt as
2. In SeaMonkey, have a look at Edit|Mail&Newsgroup Account Settings,
select "Server Settings" of your mail account, and at the bottom of this
screen is the location of your profile (Local Directory). This should
give you a bit of an indication as to where the .msf files are.



To cure that Problem:

1 - go to Edit Mail & newsgroups synchronization & Storage.

2 set the following items to 60 days.

a. Messages more than: (Disk Space)
b. Messages more then: (Recover Disk Space)
B. Remove bodies from ... :(Recover Disk Space) have just those items checked.

Now go to each newsgroup and items should stick.

Thanks for the post, Phillip, but I don't think it will solve my problem, as the situation I describe can even occur on this server (or the secnews server) which I check virtually every day.

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