Phillip Jones wrote:
stango wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
S. Beaulieu wrote:
Ant a écrit :

Why was it not shown by default?

As far as I know, it never was. I specifically remember having always
had to do that in SM. And also in TB before that.


To my knowledge you couldn't customize SeaMonkey 1, it was FireFox and
and Thunderbird was the only apps customizable. I was pleasantly
surprise that SM 2 actually was customizable.

In SM 1 it was Edit> Preferences> Mail& Newsgroups> Select the buttons
you want to see in the toolbar [X] Print

Yes it was but it was not *customizable* as in SM2 You couldn't drag and drop move buttons around.

I always set all of them on, but they were in preset positions.

He was not asking to "customize" he was asking how to get it back so he could use it.

Stan Gondek
Multi Path Communications
support-seamonkey mailing list

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