mcewr wrote:
I have noticed a couple of things since I upgraded to Seamonkey 2.0:
1. The mail in my POP accounts doesn't seem to automatically download at
2. I can't send large attachments anymore (window stops at 3%).

Does anyone know if these are 2.0 bugs?


item 1

Edit Menu > Mail and news groups
go to email account in question
click on Server settings

the look in window for server settings click box next to check for mail at start up. the also check for new messages every ___ minutes.

I have set 10 minutes but set for any time 10 minutes or more. less than ten SM spends all its time looking for new messages and slows SM down considerable.

Item #2 depends upon your ISP and type connection. just recently I I got a warning about my mailbox was overloaded. Turns out I had huge amount of hidden saved replies that I could only access through my ISP's Web mail. I've been careful since to check. I had 18mb of hidden replies. now its less than 1k of space used. You might be running out of room in your Sips email account for you.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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