Yesterday, i got the "Psst.  We gots an update available to 2.01.  Wanna
do it?"  message.  I ignored it.

This morning I start my machine, I see an "updating" message, figure it is
the "do dishes" extension or something, don't look closely, and Seamonkey
begins updating without my OK and eventually comes up.

After getting messages,  I check "About Seamonkey" because I had
previously had a program (Mailwasher) call the Seamonkey and it had been
hardwired to call 1.1.18, which I had not uninstalled yet and it dutifully
called 1.1.18 and when I noticed that i had been running 1.1.18 for a day
i changed the call and now was verifying that my change took right.

So anyway, i notice i now am running 2.0.1.

I go to Seamonkey Help and enter the keyword "update" expecting to find a
clear sentence such as "to turn automatic updating on go to yada, yada and
check the dooflachee"  I didn't see such lingo but got a bunch of stuff
about CRL's, etc.

Does Seamonkey 2.0 come with automatic updating turned on?  I do not
recall overtly setting that and would not have since I am not that kind of

If so, why did i get the "update available" message yesterday if it was
going to do it anyway?

Is this a new "feature?  Will FF do the same thing?  Is global warming
really anthropogenic?

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