Mr. Cheese wrote:
chicagofan wrote:
me2 wrote:
How do I NOT show the bookmarks folder in my toolbar? I mean the one
SM adds that is named "Bookmarks", this isn't needed any way since
"Bookmarks" appears in the top drop downs, and it takes up room that I
need for other folders- I don't believe 2.0 did this<?>

Right click on that toolbar, choose Customize in the box that appears,
and drag that extra Bookmark into the Customize box.
I tried this and now my Personal toolbar is gone. It still shows in the
bookmark file. I don't see a way to restore it. Pls help
Check to see you haven't clicked on the little arrow to far left, to simply close the personal Bar. the arrow (or Flippy) should be point up not to the right.

Also, check in View > Options and see if you have Personal Toolbar unchecked.

And if you try it again this time just click on the icon for bookmarks on the personal Toolbar and drag it to the customize window. not the whole personal toolbar.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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