Ant wrote:
On 12/19/2009 5:48 PM PT, Phillip Jones typed:

In v1.x, I open a news/usenet server and it only told me how many unread
posts and total posts but not download posts. In v2.0.x, it does the
same BUT also download the posts. How can I have v2 NOT download any
posts until I highlight a specific newsgroup?

Edit>  mail and news Groups>  Server Settings.

uncheck in Sever setting uncheck the first two items.

They're already unchecked. :( Opening up a news/usenet server still

I also told it to prompt me to download or not if each newsgroup has
over 100 new post. This gets annoying when it prompts for every groups
with over 100 posts after opening a news server. I haven't even clicked
on a newsgroup!
opening the the server even in SM 1.1.18 would download headers. That exactly it just the headers. you actually read the message off the server. the bodies are left on the server. the only way message bodies are saved is if you have messages synchronization set to download when off line. Then you have set Mozilla as newsgroup to download when Off line. Then only and only then are bodies downloaded.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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