NoOp wrote:
On 12/24/2009 05:35 PM, NoOp wrote:
I see that you were running a pre RC of lighting (1.0b2pre), can you try
the one that David suggested instead?

Sorry, I mean the one that Lee suggested.

Let's see if that was the problem. Then, can you just try the most
recent prefbar (4.3.2)? It would be nice to try and determine which may
have been the issue. I also notice that you have another '0.3' extension
- can you clarify as to what that one is?

Image zoom 0.3
QuoteColors 0.3

QuoteColors was just upgrade to 0.3 to be compatible with SM 2.x

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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