Stefan wrote:
Rufus skriver:

Then there was the whole of the new default "more Mac-like"
interface...I was only able to tolerate that about four days, then I
replaced it with the other "Modern" one. And I'm a Mac user...I do have
to say, the folks on Thunderbird did a way better job making a Mac-like
Mac presentation - kudos there.
I guess it's obvious, but you have seriously failed to communicate what you actually thought was so wrong with the theme changes.


I did in detail, but in another I saw no need to repeat that. I think the thread had "SM 2.0 - A Mac User's Observations" in the title.

But briefly, as I recall everyone had some common complaints with it - the most common one being it's lack of grippies; and the best solution I recall for that was to make the entire bar area a grippie for snap open/close of the sidebar and such. That was a real convenience deal-breaker for me using a laptop, and probably the single biggest reason I switched to the other Theme.

Another was that certain areas of the navigation bar are not intuitively available to right-click - some of the larger areas that seem like they should respond to a right-click don't respond.

And I think described a number of other issues which gave rise to particular problems for a laptop user...if you want, I can look back and re-post here - but I've been saving all of my observations for drafting formal bug reports.

One of the big reasons I haven't written formal bug reports (yet - I have been quoted in the too-small buttons report thread) is that I've become pretty confident that they won't be responded to as a result of all the single-ended venom I've read over the too-small buttons.

     - Rufus
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