On 12/26/2009 12:40 PM, Ralph wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.. You are right about 2.0.1.. sorry
> I think I have found what is causing my problem.
> It seems that "--" marks that SM puts above the name of the sender or 
> perhaps part of the signature causes SM to NOT include anything past 
> that point. Thus in this response your
> "--
> Stanimir"
> is not included.
> So... if someone replies and the signature or name is above any previous 
> text it will not show as part of the response.
> This seems to a be a new issue that I have not noticed before.

Perhaps you haven't noticed it, but it is not new - not by a long shot.

The characters you are referring to are called the Signature Delimiter.
This consists, actually, of three characters, plus a line terminator.
The three characters are dash, dash and space. The line terminator means
these characters must be on a line by themselves (not preceded or followed
with any other characters).

Any proper e-mail/news client should treat the content after the signature
delimiter as a signature, and thus not part of the actual message. In
message clients that I use, it does two things differently with signature

1. It shows the signature information in a stippled/grayed-out text, so
it's easy to see it's not part of the message, and;

2. It strips the signature block from the message when replying, as the
signature is not really part of the original message, it doesn't need to
be included in the reply.

I'll include a signature below, so you can see what I mean.

I hope this helps.

Well, this is my signature block. It would normally just include my name
or perhaps a pithy quote.
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