On 12/31/2009 9:22 AM, Mike C wrote:
> When email is opened the folders appear on the left but all the emails 
> are missing from the right window.  Using SM 1.1.18
> I reinstalled SM 1.1.18 thinking that would correct the problem but it 
> didn't.
> Mike C

Are you referring to the list of e-mail messages, or the message preview
pane, which shows the content for the currently selected message?

If it's the list of e-mail messages, are you sure you have that folder
configured to view all messages? Check View -> Messages, and make sure
"All" is selected.

Make sure that you have the correct layout for the mail/news application
by looking at View -> Layout. I use Classic View, which shows the folder
pane, message list and message pane windows.

Finally, make sure the message pane is visible, but selecting View ->
Layout -> Message Pane (F8).

I hope this helps,
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