Interviewed by CNN on 1/1/2010 16:40, Lee told the world:
> Using SM2.1, with Vista and my trash file
> for some reason will delete any file put into
> it unless I mark it unread.  I checked all
> the preferences and it shows keep all messages
> etc and the weird thing is my other mail folder
> for gmail etc I have no problem just with my ISP
> folder. A file goes in marked as read and poof
> it is gone!  Even though the preferences say to
> keep the messages.  Did ask in the netscape.
> public.mozilla.seamonkey group but no one had
> an answer.
> NE1 else have this problem?  If so and you
> were able to fix it and what did you do.  I also
> did the edit prefs to no avail either.

Go to the trash folder.
Open menu "View", "Messages", select "All".


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... BOFH excuse #283:
Lawn mower blade in your fan need sharpening
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