Smiles schrieb:
I have tried 4 times to move to SM v.2.01
If I leave my profile as is it always chooses the wrong profile to move
and set up as default. So I remove the other 3 giving it only one option
this is my primary account, having 9 accounts in default profile
location and it has three accounts with files on my G drive as long term
storage going back 11 years. SM v.2.01 wants to move all that data to
its default mail profile on C.
Any idea on how to stop that?

Next how can I add the other profiles if I move them back to old profile
they always get added to my default profile when imported.
Only one profile from SeaMonkey 1.x is migrated to SeaMonkey 2.0.1 automatically (Bug 383006)
Workaround: Manually start migration as described in the knowledge base.
Just follow th link there to the knowledge base.

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