On 01/06/2010 03:08 PM, Andrea Govoni wrote:
> Il 06/01/10 20:27, NoOp ha scritto:
>> As an update; Christian created a bug report for this:
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=538007
>> [Truetype fonts referenced in the above mentioned web page are not
>> displayed]
>> We've tested & confirmed in linux & I also tested in Windows. Could
>> someone in the group please test with a Mac?
> I've just tested on Mac and updated the bug with my findings: it seems a
> Linux only issue.
> Nevertheless, I have a problem with the text in the upper section of the
> page [1], where some symbols used for unrecognized characters are
> displayed (see [2]). However, I don't get those strange unrecognized
> character symbols on SM 1.1.18, even *without* the additional fonts
> installed, or in a fresh new SM2 profile.
> Any suggestion about what might cause this?
> [1] <http://www.jyskordbog.dk/ordbog/>
> [2] <http://idisk.mac.com/xfox/Public/SM2%20unrecognized%20characters.png>

Thank Andrea for testing. The symbols are most likely with a UTF-8
character setting. Try: View|Character Encoding|Western (ISO-8859-1) and
see if you still get them.

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