On 1/18/2010 8:22 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
> On 1/17/2010 11:40 PM, Rufus wrote:
>> http://www.spruebrothers.com/
>> Can load the site, but clicking the "enter store" gets me a parsing 
>> error.  I can get in with Safari and/or Opera.
>> I assume it's an issue with the site, as I can no longer get into it 
>> with SM 1.1.18 either...
> The Web server is sniffing for "Firefox" when it should sniff for
> "Gecko" -- if sniffing is valid at all.
> For an explanation of sniffing, see my
> <http://www.rossde.com/internet/Webdevelopers.html#sniff>.  To defeat
> sniffing, use spoofing; see my
> <http://www.rossde.com/internet/intr_gloss.html#spoof>.  For an
> explanation of why sniffing for "Firefox" is wrong, see
> <http://wiki.mozilla.org/User:Sardisson/Gecko_is_Gecko>.
> After I have breakfast, I'll submit a Tech Evangelism bug report against
> the Web site.

Bug #540446 at <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=540446>.

David E. Ross

Go to Mozdev at <http://www.mozdev.org/> for quick access to
extensions for Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, and other
Mozilla-related applications.  You can access Mozdev much
more quickly than you can Mozilla Add-Ons.
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