Interviewed by CNN on 22/1/2010 04:08, Klaus Weber told the world:
> recently I realized that I could not reach google-related websites incl. 
> youtube any more, neither by seamonkey, firefox nor IE 8. As a 
> work-around I found that I have to start firefox 3.5 first and then 
> seamonkey. Then everything works well.

Since it affects IE 8 too, I very much doubt that this is a
Mozilla/Firefox/Seamonkey problem. It's more likely to be a networking
problem, perhaps a DNS problem.

Try changing your DNS server. has detailed

We shouldn't ignore the possibility of you having some malicious
software installed on your computer that's making things look wonky. Run
a good antivirus scan. Then download a good antispyware program (I had
good experiences with Malwarebytes Antimalware, but Ad-Aware and Spybot
Serch & Destroy are other good options) and do a scan with it too.


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... BOFH excuse #309:
firewall needs cooling
*Added by TagZilla 0.066.2 running on Seamonkey 2.0.2 *
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