Lance Courtland wrote:
I have not been able to keep up with this forum for 3 months, so please
excuse the repetition if the question has been answered.

Has the problem of upgrading from SM 1.18 to 2.2 with multiple profiles
in different user areas in Win XP Pro been solved? Last time I tried to
upgrade to SM 2.0 the profiles never upgraded right, and it took me
hours to uninstall 2.0 and reinstall 1.8. I don't want to do that again.



Lance, you mention "the last time I tried to upgrade.....". This implies to me that this was a second (or more) attempt to upgrade. If this is the case, be careful, because when you first tried SM 2.x.x, it would have made a copy of your SM 1.1.x profile, and then you may have deleted SM 2.x.x (but not removed this copy of the profile). Then, when you re-installed SM 2.x.x, it would have picked up this old, un-up-to-date (if that's English??), version of your profile. And when you, now, re-install SM 2.x.x, it will again pick up this old profile, i.e. before you re-install SM 2, delete the copy of your profile. *Be Careful*.

At this stage SM 2.x.x will only pick up your default profile, which can be a problem, but the work-around is fairly the new SM, create the extra profiles, in their simplest, then copy/move the folders over from your SM 1.1.18 profile.


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