Robert Kaiser:
>Hartmut Figge wrote:

>> Hm, sometimes the XUL.mfl becomes corrupt and must be removed manually.
>Haven't seen that in years.

Me neither. But i couldn't because if have no XUL.mfl since years. *g*

>> No XUL.mfl in my profile anymore and i haven't noticed a noticeable
>> delay at startup. :)
>You must have a very very fast machine then, as even I with a dual-core 
>machine notice my builds being slower in startup and more sluggish in 
>usage when I set those options.

Just tested. After a reboot the first start of SM2.1 lasts 9 seconds
without XUL.mfasl and 7 seconds with XUL.mfasl. After quitting the next
starts lasts about 2 seconds regardless of XUL.mfasl.

My machine is a Core 2 Duo E6750 with 4GB RAM. I am on Linux, therefore
the filename is XUL.mfasl and not XUL.mfl, but that shouldn't matter.
What could matter is, that i am using only a few extensions.

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