Thanks for all the comments. You have verified what I suspected all along. I had a copy of Front Page for a while and used it a couple of times but found very soon that it inserted so much unnecessary coding that it was not something I wanted to use. I am a self-taught webmaster, having learned most of what I know about HTML from books and looking at the coding of other programs before all these "do it for you", "fill in the blanks" helpers came out. Probably the other six languages I used in the old days, beginning with Autocoder, helped some.


Phillip Jones wrote:
J. Weaver Jr. wrote:
Walter wrote:
Please have a look at: and note the overlay
in several places. Is this a SeaMonkey problem or sorry HTML coding. In
viewing the source, it is horribly bloated and I suspect it is there.


According to

there are 542 errors in that page. Yowch! -JW

The HTML (Tidy) Validator shows at least 138 error

this is one line of over 600 iCab caught:

CSS Error (1784, 50): The pseudo-class "0" is unknown.

Must have been written with Front page.

From HP computer, SM browser
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