
<<  > First of all, Vista and Windows 7 are the same.
> ...


They may share some common features for a particular purpose, but they 
are most certainly NOT the same!  >>

<< end of snippet  >>

Well, yes and no. Strictly speaking, Windows 7 is a partial re-write -- a 
rather small one -- of the near disaster that Vista became. There are somewhat 
major changes in Win 7 as far as how XP level calls and applications are run, 
hence the need to have "XP Mode", etc.
However, there's a "yes" in there, as other than the above and a few terribly 
minuscule other codes, Win 7 and Vista are remarkably the same.
Another way to put it, did people really think that MS could bring out a 
totally "new and improved" OS such as Win 7 a mere relatively few months after 
bringing out the "all new Vista..." ??  Not hardly.
Some say that Win 7 is Vista with a new face on it...well, that rings more true 
than not, but there are also some material changes in there, mostly to solve 
the problems and dead-ends that plagued Vista users and those coming over from 


----- Original Message ---------------

Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:30:54 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Subject: Re: SM1 and SM2 config/profile locations with Windows Vista
Message: 4

David Wilkinson wrote:

> Ray_Net wrote:
>> I expected SM1 and SM2 config/profile locations with Windows Vista
>> not the two places of a mozilla directory in Windows7.
>> In other words,and in short, after remove SM1 and install SM2 in a Vista
>> machine Where is the directory(ies)(profile stuff) of the old SM1 that i
>> can delete ? superb if i have the directories(profile stuff) of SM1 and
>> SM2 explained.
> Ray:
> First of all, Vista and Windows 7 are the same.
> ...


They may share some common features for a particular purpose, but they 
are most certainly NOT the same!

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