Robert Kaiser wrote:
cmcadams schrieb:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
cmcadams schrieb:
A question for the developers: In the installation there's a target
field, displaying the default target, with a Browse button beside it.
WHY is that button there if you already KNOW installing to an
alternative destination will likely fail?

It isn't likely to fail - UNLESS you install OVER an old SeaMonkey

Robert Kaiser

Which it wasn't. And this is an ancient problem, as I discovered when
filing a bugzilla report. Migration doesn't work in certain
circumstances, period.

We know that it sometimes fails, we also know that those cases probably
have no connection to the installation location, though.

And we got good data on one spaceific case of failure which we could
narrow down to a crash and fix in 2.0.3 - if we get consistent data on
where the failure happens, we can try and get it fixed.
"Migrations fails if it's dawn and the weather is nice" unfortuantely
can't easily be narrowed down to a specific problem in our software.
Unfortunately, many bug reports read somewhat like that.

Robert Kaiser

Here's a link to the bug report:

And here's a command line that fails on my system every time, so no need to reinstall to change variables:

"E:\Mozilla\SMonkey\seamonkey.exe" -P "whatever" -migration

Finding out exactly why might solve some persistent problems.

Something interesting. I tracked down a list of all the config files for both both SM versions. Various files for v2 had been changed over to the form *.sqlite. So I went to my 2.03's configuration and looked, and there were a bunch of .sqlites. I matched each one to the file it had supposedly replaced and zipped the 'oldies' that remained in place, to take them out of circulation, see what difference it would make. Nothing. Everything still works. So SM is doing something undocumented.

Please don't tell me migration worked. :P That directory was blank when I began.


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