Daniel wrote:
cmcadams wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
cmcadams wrote:

Mark Hansen wrote:

On 2/20/2010 6:29 PM, cmcadams wrote:

A question for the developers: In the installation there's a
target field, displaying the default target, with a Browse button
beside it. WHY is that button there if you already KNOW
installing to an alternative destination will likely fail?


Who said installing to an alternate location will likely fail?

I did.

See generally:

Specifically, I recall having to go through the same rigamarole
transferring from Mozilla to Seamonkey. Not a new problem.

Your experience is completely different from mine. I installed SeaMonkey
over Mozilla on the first try. No muss, no fuss, just complete success.

Now, of course, my computer configuration is pretty plain vanilla, so
that may have something to do with it. I have no idea whether some of
your setup may be challenging SM in ways that I do not.


Congratulations on your good fortune. I've had the same sorts of
problems every time there's been a major upgrade, specifically from
Mozilla to SM1, and now from SM1 to SM2. Somehow I've always made it
work. Fortunately minor-version updates aren't a problem. I might not
have anything more to worry about until the SM3 migrator bombs on me

My SM installation is also pretty vanilla: Just the browser/email,
nothing fancy.


Does this mean, Craig, that you deleted Mozilla version 1.x.x before you
installed SM version 1.x.x and SM 1 had troubles finding your profile
and then, some time latter, you deleted SM Version 1.x.x before you
installed SM version 2.x.x and SM 2 had troubles finding your profile??

Nope. I _uninstalled_ SM1 once; profile was (and is) still present in the default location. SM2 was then installed, and this thread was the result.

I see a little too much difference of opinion on ways and means, hereabouts, for total comfort. I'm thinking it wouldn't hurt a bit for "the developers" to establish some official, specific guidelines for manual profile transplants on the SM pages ...

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