Patrick wrote:
On Mar 5, 4:05 am, Martin Jungowski<>  wrote:
Hi everybody,

I'm sick and tired of Thunderbird 3 for various reasons and have started
evaluating alternatives. Currently, I'm looking at Evolution and
Seamonkey. As you all know every Seamonkey window has five buttons on
the lower left - Browser, Mail&  Newsgroups, Composer, Addressbook, and
IRC-Chat. The tricky part is that I'm not evaluating Seamonkey to run it
on my personal computer only, but to run it on our company XDMCP servers
to switch ~1,200 users from Thunderbird/Firefox to Seamonkey. And
obviously we don't want our users to run Composer or IRC-Chat, so the
question is quite simple: how do I disable the Composer and IRC
component of Seamonkey?

Thanks in advance,

Rieke Computersysteme GmbH
Hellerholz 5
D-82061 Neuried

I think you can disable that whole bar in Windows XP.
Have to be a global setting not specific to SeaMonkey.


I don't think it addresses the OP's issue, but you can disable the Component Bar via View>>Show/Hide>>Component Bar.

That keeps the Component bar for displaying, but doesn't actually disable any of the components. Out of sight, out of mind maybe?

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