Bill Davidsen wrote:
EnorMouse wrote:
As I have in the past had problems with Junk filters producing false positives and in one particular case hiding an urgently needed email in the junk folder I do not use them.

My old main email address has been out there for quite a few years and the amount of junk that I receive is staggering. To handle this I have created a large number of filters on this account and a set of junk folders into which it is transferred.

By using different junk folders for different types of junk, I know that I can delete it without having to review it - anything with Viagra or Cialis (in their many and varied spellings) in the 'Subject' or 'From' for example. Other filers and folders need to be checked, for example anything that does not have my account name in the 'To' or 'Cc' gets sent to a folder called 'Circulars'. Most of these are junk but occasionally I will get a genuine circular where the Bcc feature has been used.

I have some things I just delete without ever moving, too. But I haven't had a problem with 2.0.x yet, and I put a bunch of mail, news, and RSS feeds through many filters.

So I have a lot of filters handling a lot of junk in several different ways. They were all working fine before my upgrade to SM 2. I am currently on SM 2.0.3 and the problems remain the same.

Problem 1: Sometimes when I restart SM, particularly after a power down, the 'Enabled' box next to a number of filers becomes unticked. The selection of filters that this happens on seems to be random and changes each time it happens, both in terms of the number and choice of filters effected.

Not seen.

Problem 2: A lot of the time, even though all my filter are set up to run 'Checking Mail or Manually Run' I find items in the account Inbox which will be correctly moved when I run the 'Run Filters on Folder' manually. So far I have not identified if this relates to one particular filter or a number of them. My impression is that it tends to be filters which are looking into the body of the emails.

Again, not seen. And I have a few early filters in my chain which do unconditionally save messages with certain things in the body.

Problem 3: When saving filers I regularly get an error box stating "This filter cannot be saved because some search terms are invalid in the current context." No other information as to which search term is at fault is provided. One would be inclined to think that this would relate to the search term just added, but even if I delete them I continue to get the same message. If I continue to click on the Save button and OK the error message, it will normally save the filter and it works OK. Accordingly I rarely bother to try to identify which search term is at fault or why.

I have never seen that. Are you using custom header fields? I use a few, to catch things coming from mailing lists.

Anyone out there using filters a fair bit and encountering anything like this?

No, I haven't seen the problem, although I'm certainly watching for it now. Do you use any particular extensions which might contribute? The only thing I run is autofill forms, and that's a browser rather than mail thing.

The only extensions that I use are browser related, including things like Adblock Plus and BetterPrivacy. My filers are based on Subject, From and Body only and only use 'contain', 'doesn't contain' and 'is'. I have an initial White List filter that transfers messages from specific addresses to my main current account Inbox and tags them as having come from my old main account. Whenever I spot something new come in from a source that I want, I add it to this filter and by and large the bulk of what is getting past that first filter is junk.

The problem that I have is keeping my eye out for the odd genuine one and I find it a lot easier to look through a number of folders with a limited number of messages in each rather than a single folder containing hundreds. Given that the number of junk emails coming into this account is between 500 and 1,000 a day, being able to strip out several hundred that I do not even have to think about is a great advantage and when everything works, it is only a few minutes work a day. I just find it annoying that it does not work at times and I can not figure out why.

Some of the search criteria do contain slightly odd characters, to match the word forms used by the spammers, but I never seem to have a problems with my Russian filter which contains characters specific to the Russian alphabet and happily filers out all the Russian junk mail.

I have even redone a number of filers and split them, so that one would only scan Subjects, another the Froms and a third the Bodies. I suspect that problem 2 mainly relates to Body filters, but I get problem 1 and problem 3 on all three types.

Now that I know the problems, the work arounds are not killing me, but as I said the fact that it is happening and I can not track down why, can drive me around the twist.

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