David Lawler wrote:
Using SeaMonkey 1.18, Win XPH SP3. Having lots of weird email problems,
which I never used to have, and can't figure out. I have two primary
accounts, one for personal mail, one for business mail. (Preliminarily,
I know that support for SM 1.x is done, and I do plan to switch to 2.x,
but I need to figure this out first.)

I am having the following problems:

Personal account:

junk mail doesn't go to junk folder -- goes to trash (although junk
filter is set to send it to junk folder)

junk mail is automatically marked as read

the junk filter is obviously not updating with the new junk messages as
junk messages from the same source, or similar messages from different
sources (messages with garbled "from" addresses pitching various drugs
and other medical stuff) keep showing up in the inbox

David, I've only got SM 2.0 installed on this puter, but I think the settings are largely the same so see if the settings for your mail account for the Junk Filter are set in two places:-
1:- Under Edit->Preferences->Mail & Newsgroup->Junk & Suspect Mail, and,
2:- Under Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings, select Junk Mail settings under your Mail account.

Make sure these settings are not contradicting each other.

Business account:

puts junk mail in junk folder but still marks as read

is supposedly set to automatically download messages but does not (at
least not reliably)

posts I make to newsgroups that I subscribe to under that account don't
show anymore. I only know they posted when someone replies to them, then
I can see from the reply that my post is what they are replying to. (I
can't even find a setting that would seem to affect that). Re-doing the
msf file does not help.

Same as above but for your Business mail account.

I tried SM 2.0 when it came out, it didn't import any of my settings,
email, bookmarks, etc., I didn't have time to try to figure that out so
I uninstalled it and reinstalled 1.18. This was 4 months ago, things
have been messed up at least since then.

I suspect that I may need to mess with about:config to fix some of this
stuff, but I have no idea what settings to look at.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Dave


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