Lee wrote:
Hi Ray, OK copied and put it in and I assume it works but one question
do I put in the "NOT" I copied it exactly as you wrote it and I assume
that was the way it was supposed to be but I just was not sure about the
"NOT" Thanks again for taking the time.

Ray_Net wrote:
Lee wrote:
what is the command and where do I install it?
If I remember it is in the about: config and I
have to enter a command making the web site think
I am using Fire Fox while I am using Sea Monkey
Would you please post it. Thanks for assistance

about:config --->
New string: general.useragent.extra.firefox - user set - string - NOT

or other version like 3.5

The solution i gave is the fast one without installing ... a not needed extension.

The word NOT is there to inform humans that your browser is SeaMonkey and NOT Firefox .... when in the same time, the software recognize the "Firefox" string, and think (wrongly) that you use Firefox.
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