On 4/18/10 9:28 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
> On 4/18/10 7:32 AM, Rinaldi J. Montessi wrote:
>> After so many attempts to enter a site I was once registered to, but not
>> in Password Manager, the prompt to Remember Password no longer appears.
>>  I finally remembered the password and want the Manager to remember it.
>>  How do I wake up the prompt?
>> I hope that's clear ;-)
> The Password Manager for SeaMonkey 1.x had a preference variable (set
> either by going to about:config or by editing user.js) to remember
> passwords where the Web site did not want you to remember them.
> For SeaMonkey 2.x, there is a new Password Manager that no longer uses
> that preference variable.  Thus, it attempts to remember far fewer
> passwords.  See bug #425145 at
> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=425145>.  Apparently, the
> Password Manager developers believe the desires of browser users are not
> as important as the desires of Web site owners.
> There is a workaround for this, which can make Password Manager in
> SeaMonkey 2.x remember even more passwords than it ever did in SeaMonkey
> 1.x.  The workaround is described at
> <http://cybernetnews.com/firefox-remember-passwords/>.  While that Web
> page does not describe the workaround for UNIX or Linux, it should be
> the same after you locate your nsLoginManager.js file, which is in a
> subdirectory (likely named "components") under the directory where
> SeaMonkey is installed.

I almost forgot.  You have to edit nsLoginManager.js again whenever you
install a new version of SeaMonkey unless you do a partial update from a
.mar file that does not change nsLoginManager.js.

David E. Ross

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