That did it.  I have the 1 line with date time and author.  Thanks!

Still, I would prefer the official header look that you get when you forward a message. Is that possible on a reply?

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote, On 4/23/2010 7:55 AM:
Test wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
flyguy wrote:
I didn't seem to find what I'd like to do at that link, which I also
think is what the poster was asking. I'd like to have this
information appear when I reply to an email:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: What bill said
Date:   Tue, 20 Apr 2010 19:49:41 -0700
From:   John Doe<>
To:     Steve Doe<>

How about this:

..which is linked from the first link above.

Fly guy is correct about what I am looking for.  It is for email.  And
I would prefer the format he indicates.

I tried the suggested link but I cannot find the Tools->  Options....
that it mentions.  I could also not find user.js.  There is a pref.js
but it did not have the line that the link indicated.

You have to add new content to those files. Perhaps this will help:

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