Sorry if this repeats previous info; but this is the first time I've
used this new Windows 7 computer (I've always used XP before) and I want
to transfer my bookmarks and address book and tool bar stuff intact from
my previous SM 2.0.4 on my XP laptop to this new Windows 7 computer.

But I can't figure out where to put the files? Is it even possible to
use the same files as before?

Kenru, in short, yes, you can use a lot of the same files.

Your inbound mail is in a file called inbox, don't worry about copying inbox.msf, it's just an index file and is remade when you need it.

Your outbound mail is in sent. Ant drafts are in drafts and any templates are in templates. Same with these .msf files.

Your email addresses are in abook.mab and your web addresses are in bookmarks.html

Any passwords are in key3.db, cert8.db and ............., I think.

Your personal dictionary words are in persdict.da.

Your Message filters, if you use them, are in msgFilterRules.dat

That's most of the files you need to copy from your XP to your Windows 7 computer.

So that you don't wipe out the mail that you already have on your new computer, rename your old inbox, sent, draft and template files to oldinbox, etc, so you don't write over the new ones.


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