David E. Ross wrote:
I was used to setting
        alias rm='rm -i'
but I was working at a location other than my usual.  I entered
        rm *
Quickly realizing what I had done, I then entered
But it was too late.  I didn't lose all my files, but I lost too many.
Fortunately, all accounts were backed-up daily by the system

When I got a shell account on my ISP's Web server in my own address
space, one of the first things I did was
        alias rm='rm -i'
I also did the same for cp and mv.

I don't think you learned the right lesson.

Instead of modifying "rm" to be "rm -i" , you probably should have
created a new command, say, "delfile" or whatever.

That way, if you're working somewhere other than your usual place
and forget and type your usual command to delete with confirmation,
you're much more likely to have nothing harmful happen (e.g., just
"bash: delfile: command not found) rather than deleting more files
than you might have meant.

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

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