Interviewed by CNN on 21/5/2010 20:31, dbl-nkl told the world:
> I've just now downloaded 2.0.4 & updated my SeaMonkey 3.11.?? & now I
> don't have a "real" browser... I'm now using IE to send you this.

I have no idea of what you are doing.

1. There is no Seamonkey 3.11, or 3.x for that matter.

2. Seamonkey's predecessor was Mozilla Suite. The last version of which
was 1.7.x. So, no 3.x either.

3. Mozilla's predecessor was Netscape. It did have a 3.x version,
sometime back in the mid-nineties -- that is, something like thirteen
years ago. I can't remember if there was a 3.11 version. Even if there
was, somehow, I doubt you were running this on Vista without problems --
it was a Windows 9x program at best. So that's probably not it either.

4. The only theory I have that makes any sense (barely) is that you are
talking about Firefox. Firefox doesn't have a 3.11 version, but it might
have had a 3.0.11 version a couple years ago, I would have to check. But
anyway, Seamonkey and Firefox don't share profiles. So, installing
Seamonkey shouldn't have any effect on Firefox -- unless you went to a
lot of trouble to force it to do so.


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