Win XP Pro SP3 running SM 1.1.19 (not quite ready to move to SM 2). Not sure how/why, but we've managed to make the header of the Message Pane shrink or disappear. Toggling the variuous View settings hasn't brought it back, and I'm stuck.

It's happened once or twice before during the many years I've used Mozilla/SM, but I can't for the life of me remember how to restore it, and can't find anything I've saved from these newsgroups over the years.

Can anyone recommend how to make the header visible in the message pane when viewing an email? It's a little disconcerting to not be able to see who else received the email you're reading, etc. If you want to forward something but don't want to send it to someone who just got it same as you, how do you tell? From the Header, normally.
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