Mike C wrote:

> NoOp wrote:
>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>> I'm getting red lines underlining misspelled words in SM email. How do I
>>> turn this off?
>> Edit|Preferences|Mail&  Newsgroups|Composition|Spelling
> But then again....
> Don't you want to know if you misspelled something?

My thawts exatcly. But some peeple might like the other chioce, of:
"Check spelling before sending"  as the alterantive.

But like you, I'd rather know immediately so I can backspace and correct
it while it's still "under the cursor." If I'd have to search through a
long email or post looking for underlined words after I thought I was
finished, I'd be less inclined to bother.

   -1st place, seventh grade spelling bee
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