I don't know which older version you were using, but you have to COMPLETELY remove (uninstall) Version 1 of Seamonkey before installing Version 2. Versions 1 and 2 are incompatible. Even if you install them into different locations, there are some common file locations that will overlap and cause conflicts. I would even look in /Program Files/ and /Document and Settings/.../Application Data/ to be sure there aren't any residual configuration files left behind.

Subject: Can't load new version
"Gary F. Pitel" <rd...@comcast.net>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 12:12:50 -0400


I had an older version of SeaMonkey installed and it told me that the folder was full that I had to delete some files and compact the folder which I did. However, after I did that it still kept saying the same thing. I thought I would just load the latest version of SeaMonkey which I did and that would correct the problem. So I did that and it asked me if I wanted to load that version now and I said yes. It never launched so I clicked on the desk icon and it wouldn't launched from that either. I went to the installation folder where it is installed it shows the icon (SeaMonkey.exe) with a date from the old installation and not a date of this installation. However there are other folders there that show today's date on them so I know there was an installation that took place. What is going on and how do I fix the problem? I also clicked on the icon (SeaMonkey.exe) in this folder and it didn't launched the program. This icon has the old installation date and not the new installation date. I tried to do a new installation and that didn't make any difference. PS I don't want to lose my existing emails or folders in correcting this problem if at all possible. Right now I have nothing in the way of SeaMonkey. Thanks

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