Bill Davidsen wrote:
Gus Richter wrote:
On 7/5/2010 7:32 PM, Phillip Jones wrote:
Info WG wrote:
To Mark Hansen and others...

Sending or receiving HTML Email does not mean, and should not imply
getting spam, virulli, and all manner of problems.

In clear fact, one could say that the vast a\majority of Emails may well
be HTML or at least sent to those capable of seeing both HTML and Text
messages -- and the world clearly has not collapsed.

Although that's not to say as a blanket statement that no ill comes from
either Text or HTML Email's, they in general work fine, and the various
routes they take can be scanned for any offensive nasty codes for the
most it at your end before they are sent, at the various
web-servers / email servers or on your end of the line when they are
received by you.

There may well be times that HTML Email may be the best way to impart
information that Text Email simply can not accomplish, or you may find
Text Email well suited to ones lifestyle. But totally condemning HTML
Email may mean that you or others may be missing out on new agenda or
needs, then again, maybe not.


=== Message Immediate Trail ===

From: Phillip Jones < <>>
To: <
Date: 04/07/10 20:36:42
Subject: Re: Signature file - graphic possible ?

Manuel Reimer wrote:
> DoctorBill wrote:
>> Actually - I did not mean for this News Group, but for General
>> messages.
> You shouldn't do this there, either. But it's up to you. If you send
> HTML to one of my accounts, you'll never get answer, as plain HTML is
> automatically marked as junk mail.
> Yours
> Manuel

I always use a Plain text Signature file even in html File. I am one of
these people that can actually read email formatted with HTML as
to Plain text. But since so many people profess to hate html mail I use
plain text except for those people I know don't mind it.


You cannot insert pictures into plain-text messages. Plain text is plain text. You can do ASCII art, but I realize that is not what you're asking

If you want to send HTML, you should make sure your recipient is OK
with it. Those that understand the danger in HTML e-mail simply won't
even look at it. Of course there are a lot of people out there that
just don't know any better. They're the ones always complaining about
getting viruses, etc. :-\

I might be different for Mac than PC (then again about 95% of what PC
has to field is some type of Malware). But I haven't had any problems
with HTML Mail but then I am particular with who I let send email.

Facebook is now one of the (if not the most) popular web site. Lots and
lots of stuff is sent via e-mail and I've noted that the default is for
text/html. I've no problems with it, but then I'm not paranoid. I do
also have a virus checker, but have not received anything detected that
I can recall in a very long time. There was a period years ago when many
were detected and isolated quite frequently. It's good to be on guard,
but not good to be paranoid about it. This is true for the web as well
as e-mail, if not more so for the former IMHO.

The Danger is in scripts embedded in the HTML. There's a NOSCRIPT add-on for SM which addresses this issue.

There's also an option in v.1, don't know if they kept it inversion 2:

Edit | Preferences | Advanced | Scripts & Plug-ins:
        Enable JavaScript for:
                [x] Navigator
                [ ] Mail & Newsgroups

If you disable the second box, you shouldn't have to worry about email scripts executing.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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