On 7/28/2010 11:02 PM PT, David E. Ross typed:

Is it me or does using page down key on
http://movies.ign.com/articles/110/1108521p1.html not work? Thank you in
advance. :)

Even with JavaScript disabled before loading the page, PageUp and
PageDown do not work.  Also, End does not send me to the bottom of the
page; it merely scrolls to the right.

With CSS disabled, End does not send me to the bottom.  Once I reach the
bottom by other means, Home does not send me to the top.

Spoofing Firefox does not change this.

629 XHTML errors.  CSS could not be tested: "Servlet has thrown
exception:javax.servlet.ServletException: Timed out"

Wow. So a badly designed/coded web page causes this. I wonder why. Does this sound like a bug in SeaMonkey web browser? It shouldn't do that.
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