David E. Ross wrote:
On 8/9/10 11:53 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
I get all sorts of jokes and political E-Mail from my conservative
friends which I
want to pass on to those on my mailing list.

Often they are "eml" types of messages.

When i have a mail with an "eml" attachement - i open it then i do "Message" - "Edit Message As New" then i add some text if needed - then i put FW: before the subject and finally i put the recipent adress and send it.

When I receive an E-mail message with an "eml" attachement, I read the
message and then trash it without looking at the attachment.  If the
attachment happens to download, I trash it without opening it.

I get already get many jokes in text form, jokes that don't require any
graphic enhancement.  I avoid most political messages on advice of my
doctor, who nevertheless had to prescribe medication to lower my blood
pressure.  :)

But some of the stuff that comes out of the conservative wing is so hilarious that you just have to forward it around. You know, stuff like "we have to trim the deficit by giving huge tax breaks to the rich," or "it's all Obama's fault that the Bushies destroyed our economy," or "the records clerk in Hawaii 50 years ago forged a birth certificate because they knew one day the baby would be a Democratic president."

You just can't make some of this $#!+ up...

Returning to the topic, isn't there some setting that tells SM whether to include images themselves or just link to their remote location?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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