WLS wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Norvin wrote:
I would suggest that you check out the useragent
and make a change to it.
Notice the "NOT Firefox/3.5.6" which is the key as I understand it.

The NOT part is for *a human* that looks at the site's logs.
OTOH, these idiots who are sniffing improperly[1]
won't know what to make of that in their logs
--even if they actually do look at their logs.

...and *permanantly* altering your user agent string
will give *inaccurate* information to the **good** webmasters
which hurts SeaMonkey, your chosen browser.
ONLY change the string *temporarily*
and ONLY if you absolutely *have* to use one of these crapped-up

When you do alter the user agent string,
REPORT THE PROBLEM to the site owner.

...and the best solution to this is to
find another site that offers a similar product/service
--a site that isn't run by idiots who don't know what they're doing;
a site that hires competent workers/contractors.
[1] **ANY** sniffing is actually retarded
--it's not necessary; see the page David linked
Tell the idiots running the crappy site
to just make STANDARDS-COMPLIANT pages.
Like this
NOT like this

Also, you might want to contact them and direct them to this site.

support-seamonkey mailing list

I did send them some links for Seamonkey support as well as the 2 links above and used the validator on their link for Farmville from Facebook and it came up with 18 errors and 5 warnings which I pointed out to them so they must be smoking better drugs than I can afford. Also I had to point out to the tech that he really wasn't familiar with Seamonkey at all because when he wrote back he referred to it as Sea Monkey. I sent this info 2 days ago and have yet to here back from them again, too bad I sent it through my Yahoo mail account as it doesn't save sent mail. When and if they reply again I will forward the geckoisgecko link to them.

Big Bill

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