Beverly Howard wrote:
>> I have noticed that on occasion URL addresses that appear in list or
newsgroup messages, that start with http:// do not show up as an active
link. In other words, they do not appear/display in my posted message
underlined, of a different color, and are NOT clickable. <<
What is the message window for this group's "view message body as" set to?
Assuming it's set to one of the two html options, set it to "plain text"
and see if the link activates.
I suspect that since most messages here are in plain text and their urls
convert to links, but that the messages that show this behavior are in
html format and have only the link text and no associated link created
for the text.
Beverly Howard
The SeaMonkey email reader is smart enough to recognize http:// as links and so
they are clickable.
support-seamonkey mailing list