On 8/17/2010 1:01 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> On 8/17/2010 6:40 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>> Mark Hansen wrote:
>>>> On 8/16/2010 5:55 PM, d...@kd4e.com wrote:
>>>>> I was looking at sci-fi movie clips and came upon this
>>>>> link:
>>>>> http://www.moviephiles.com/index.php?ignore=this
>>>>> I have not noticed "ignore=this" before and was curious
>>>>> what is the purpose of it, please?
>>>> "ignore" is a parameter to the "index.php" page. The value "this"
>>>> will be interpreted by that page. You would need to look at the
>>>> source for that page to know for sure what it does with it.
>>> How to look at the source ?
>> Ask the website owner? PHP is a server-side technology. This means
>> that the PHP file is 'executed' on the server, and the result is
>> the actual HTTP response sent to the client (browser). From the client,
>> you can't (generally) get access to the PHP file directly.
> Therefore we don't need the source, we just need to ask the website 
> owner for an explanation about the "?ignore=this" ....

I think there may be some confusion going on here. When I refer to
the source of the PHP file, I'm not talking about what you get when
you do a 'View Source' in the browser. When you do a 'View Source' in
the browser, you're getting the 'result' of the execution of the PHP
file - not the source of the PHP file itself. Unless a site is configured
badly, you can't view the actual source of a PHP file.

My point in answering the OP's question was that "ignore" wasn't an
'Industry Standard' web site parameter.
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