On 08/21/2010 08:46 PM, Georg Maa wrote:
Mark Hansen wrote:
I'm still using SeaMonkey 1.1.19 on Windows/XP. For some time now
(I can't remember when this changed) I've enjoyed the feature that
when I reply to an e-mail message, SM knows not to place my e-mail
address in the To: field, even when I'm replying to a message which
I sent.

For example, say I send a message to Fred, and Fred sends a response.
If I reply to Fred's response, it places Fred's e-mail address in the
To: field. However, if I replay to my original message, it knows not
to place me in the To: field, and instead places Fred there.

I really like this feature. I recently installed SM 1.1.19 at my
new office (also running Windows/XP) and can't get it to work that
way. When I reply to a message, it always places the sender in the
To: list, even when it's me.

Check your own email adress(es), maybe there is a typo
in your settings in SM? Because normal Reply should not
put yourself in the reply header (but Reply All should put all there).

And if you Reply to your own original message then
it normally should not put Fred there, but you...

Otherwise, a Q&D manual solution is of course the following method:
you can remove the unwanted recipient from the header:
just pres backspace until the field disappeares...

And you can add other recipients by simply writing
or copying the email adress in the header, ie. just write it
to a new field there...

Beware: I'm talking of newer SM versions, don't know if it was
the same in the 1.1.19 version you use.
I think you better should switch to a newer version.
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