DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
My incoming E-Mails are being rejected by some 'filter' that the ISP
uses to cut down on SPAM.
"Client host [] blocked using"
(I placed the x's to not give the address.)

My wireless ISP Provider says w/o that 'service' they'd get millions of spams
a day.

I don't like this however...who are they to be selecting what I can receive or not.

I'd rather my SM Spam filter be working (which I can control).

Is this practice becoming the norm ?

I don't want to have to obtain a second phone line ISP just to get my E-Mail w/o it being filtered. The Tech rep is becoming truculent about it - like "go somewhere else then!"

I have many people tell me (pissed off) that they cannot get thru to me !
I teach and my students have to be able to E-Nail me.

I might even miss that message telling me I just won the Lottery.  lol.


I have found PART of the problem...

My ISP is and one person is using - funny though,
the dot net actually comes thru once in a while.

Then I think some folk repalce the "Z" with an "S" in the ISP's name.

Several things are probably going on.

QUESTION: How can I find out if the is somehow in my system and
going out as my return E-Mail address by mistake ?
How can I tell what others are getting ?


I think I found out where this is coming from !

I checked my mail settings in "Mail & Newsgroup Settings" under ACCOUNT 

The Outgoing Server (SMTP) has the Address with .net instead of .com !
AND - my OLD E-Mail address is in there as a second entry.

HOW do I get to that and change the one and erase the other ? ! ! !


They have finally found the rumored engine that runs on water
. . . . as long as it's gulf water.

Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance
and the gospel of envy."
   ~ Winston Churchill

The Second Amendment is in place
in case the politicians ignore the others.
   ~General Dwight Eisenhower

Gun control is like trying to eliminate drunk driving
by not allowing sober people to own cars.

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If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because
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