Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
My wife corresponds with her sister using SeaMonkey. The original
exchange is in black print. The second person will select a color (lets
say blue) for their interspersed comments to the original message. Then
the first person will select a color (lets say red) for interspersing
comments made by the second person. Such exchanges will often involve
many comments (each exchange in a different color) being interspersed in
a single message. Presently my wife has to select the color each time
she moves to another part of the message.

Now my question - is there some way of selecting and holding a print
color just once so that she does not have to make the selection for each
comment she makes? I am not able to find this feature in SeaMonkey.

Thanks for any help sent my way on this subject.


Frog, I think what you might be after, to an extent, is an extension
called QuoteColors, available from the Add-Ons page at

If your wife and her sister set it up with the same colors per level,
things should work well.




Thanks again for your help. I downloaded the Quote Colors Add-On (plus
the User Guide) that you suggested and will spend some time later next
week on this subject. For now, however, I have a house full of relatives
to spend time with.


No worries, Frog, at least you know where to come if it doesn't work out!!


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