> S. Beaulieu wrote:
d...@kd4e.com a écrit :
Is the Lightning Calendar Add-on supported, or planned
for support, in Seamonkey?

It's compatible. I am using it. When I originally installed it, the
filename was lightning-1.0b1-tb+sm-win.xpi if it helps you find it.



Why don't they mention this on the other Lightning sites?

Thanks to your file name I did a search and found this page:


Where it says:

"Lightning now supports SeaMonkey 2.0 as a host application"

Great fun!  I have asked on the Puppy Linux Forum if there
are any concerns as to compatibility with Seamonkey 2.0.7
for Fatdog, Lucid 5.1, and Fluppy.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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